Severed Putiry - Brutal Death Metal Cianjur

Severed purity brutal death metal band from the town cianjur which was established on 7 December 2014, in suburban cianjur filled by

Dede - vocals

Abest - guitar
Dindin - Bass
Asep - Drummer

first name of the band is the nasty brain with the concept over to slamming brutal death metal , as time goes by and we were renamed severed purity and musical concept was changed to be more to the brutal death metal , because the name of the band and the concept of our very first bit saturated.

severed purity influences by bands Brutal Death of Disgorge(usa), putridity, inherit disease, Neurogenic, etc !!!

Promo 2015
And the song we were told about the murder, slaughter, adultery, savagery, and mutilation . . . !!!