Helldismproject - Death Thrash Metal Cianjur


Hometown : Cianjur - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
Genre : Death Thrash Metal
Members :  Ares sato - Vokal, Arif Cak cak - Gitar, Agan - Bass, Iman Cutro
Phone : +6285295322666
Helldism Project was formed on September 11Th 2011. CakCak (Guitars) starts the Band with Iman "Cutro" on Drums, both of them previously played on the same project. They recruit Agan "WoWo" Al-Hagie (Bass) to join them to strengthen this project. The project survived for only less than a month due to they don't have a vocalist that match their madness.

CakCak and Cutro returned to their main band. Agan were left behind, but he keep focusing on Helldism Project. He wrote a couple of songs on his own. What he did really awakened CakCak and Cutro from their sleep to continue focusing on Helldism Project as their main band.

CakCak found ArnesSato (Vocal) and asked him to join the force.

With this updated formation, they tried to break the rules, break the systems, and make a stronger brotherhood of Metal among us.

“This Is Our Path, We Will Break Any Of Walls That Slow Us Down!” ( GRAUSIG, James.)

Website :
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